Hey everyone, we all are living in world where every person work for live life happily with his family some of you get success in their life but some fails and they get demotivated. Are you feeling low or demotivated? Are you want some positive energy to motivate you? Don't worry I'm here with another motivational and inspirational story. This is a real story of a comedian, businessman, entertainer Steve Harvey in his own words.  

I was miserable in my life. I didn't like waking up, I have no purpose, I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing. On October 8th 1985 I walked in a comedy club for the first time signed up for the following week. The following week a girl took me down there she said you've got to go to comedy club you're the funniest person I've ever met. I’ve never even heard of comedy clubs at 27. I walked into comedy club I signed up for the following week I’m gonna sit here and learn. I knew I was funny I just didn’t know what to do with it. They had ten acts go up nine of them went up I didn't laugh at one joke I was just sitting there just man I wish that was me man they should have said this every joke they told I knew the punch line before they said it and I wrote a better punch line in my mind what they should have said it got to guy number 10 they called his name he wasn't there they said well he's not here we're going to go to next week's lists eve Harvey where are you.

 Long story short I won amateur night that night I won 50 dollars. It was 45 minute drive to my house with this girl named Gladys I cried 45 minutes she said what you crying for it isn’t but fifty dollars I said no you don’t even understand I was born tonight I now know what I'm supposed to do. I went to work the next day October 9th and quit my job with fifty dollars. I had nothing just never gave up I’m gonna tell you something that decision cost me everything I had, I lost everything, I lost my family, lost friends, I lost everything, I became homeless. I lived in a car for three years but I just saw this vision I just pursued it I said wow that's it you have to take chances in life.

Life is about risk if you play it safe in life you aren’t gonna have much of a life, if you play it safe you won't have much of a life. life is risk it takes courage to pursue your dream. Now it's going to cost you something most people are not willing to pay what it costs to go after your dream because you're gonna have to hurt a little bit and most people don't like being uncomfortable, if you don't want to be uncomfortable please do not pursue success because success is a very uncomfortable feeling and I just learned to be I learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

Life is hard, see for every time you have plan a dream an aspiration or a goal do you know what happens every time you have one of those this thing comes along called life it happens to everybody. Life has disappointments it got peaks and valleys you’re gonna lose somebody you care about one day that’s a valley somebody is gonna close the the plate you thought it was gonna stay open so you could retire that's a valley somebody gonna fire you for unjust cause that's a valley the people that got your credit card gonna sell a company, gonna sell a business to another credit card company. Your 18 percent go up to 26 percent you don't even know why now your minimum didn't change cause you hadn't because it's life you can stop thinking that life shouldn't be easy cause I got news for you it ain't that's a false hope to think you're gonna have a wonderfully carefree life that's unthinkable. We all live in this bubble what you got to do, you got to put more air in your bubble, you got to blow your bubble up expand yourself take yourself out your comfort zone do not live in your bubble put some more air in your bubble if you stay in your comfort zone that's where you will fail. You will fail in your comfort zone, success is not a comfortable procedure it is a very uncomfortable thing to attempt, so you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

If you ever want to be successful start putting some pressure on, put some pressure on yourself get out here and get about it look I love to sugarcoat this thing for you I’d love to tell you look you can go out here and get rich do a couple of things that aren’t happen you got to get real darkish you got to get downright funky if you wanna make it now like I was telling you before if you wanna be ordinary you aren’t even got to listen to me just go about your business if you think ordinary’s cool aren’t? No problem it's some really really wonderful ordinary people but if you are sitting in this room and you have extraordinary aspirations then you're gonna have to do extra. You put extra on top of ordinary and you come up with extraordinary it’s no other way I’m sorry but here's the fact all of you have extraordinary capabilities all of you. You have to decide if you are willing to do the things to put you in that category.

I hope this motivational and inspirational story inspires you a lot and motivated you to get ready for work with more positive energy. If you like this post then follow us for more such interesting motivational and inspirational stories of great man.